Pressure / Bed Sores
Diabetic Leg and Foot Ulcers
Decubitus Ulcers
Surgical Wound Dehiscence
Surgical Wound Sites (ex. Post Mohs Surgery)
Indwelling Catheters & Ostomy Sites
External Fixations
Arteriosclerotic Ulcers
Ischaemic Ulcers
Non-Healing Lacerations
Traumatic Ulcers
Spider Bite Ulcers (Brown Recluse)
Amputee Stumps
Chronic or Re-occurring Wounds
Venous Stasis Type Ulcers
Ankle Ulcers
Scleroderma Ulcers
Sickle Cell Ulcers
Auto-Immune Ulcers
Non-acute Thermal Burns (Burn Ulcers)
Radiation Burn Ulcers
Minor scrapes, abrasions and blisters
Eliminates Infection
BIOFILM DISRUPTION TECHNOLOGY and Bacterialcidal Activity against a Broad Range of Microorganisms, Including Resistant Bacteria (i.e. Kills MRSA, VRE, Pseudomonas, e. Coli, Streptococcus), Viruses & Fungi. Results in a Rapid Elimination / Reduction of Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Contamination.
Rapid Pain Relief
DermaWound® Original and Venous Stasis Formulas Have Natural Anesthetic Properties That Usually Eliminate Pain and Discomfort Within 30 Minutes of Application. The Venous Stasis Formula Has Added Benzocaine to Help Stop the Burning Pain Fast So You Can Finally Get A Restful Nights Sleep!
Eliminates Odors and Unnecessary Procedures
Rapid Odor Elimination in 12 Hours or Less!
No More: Sharp or Surgical Debridements; Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers; Wound Vacs; Regranex; Santyl or Skin Grafts (Apligraft), etc. DermaWound® Auto-debrides Naturally.
Approx. 75% of our customers’ chronic, non-healing wounds healed in less than 17 days.
Six Products In One
DermaWound® Simplifies Treatment
DermaWound® brand products completely eliminate the need for infection spreading, costly, time consuming and very
painful standard wound care therapies; especially in cases with extensive areas of tissue damage and necrosis.
We encourage you to take photos and measurements before starting our therapy to track your progress.
Anti-Microbial, Viral & Fungal
Biofilm Disruption Technology is effective against MRSA, VRE, Strep, Pseudomonsas, E. coli, gram positive/negative bacteria, spores (both bacterial and fungal), viruses, mycobacteria and protozoa.
Auto-Debrider & Anesthetic
Painless wound and ulcer auto-debrider that works. Performs like an enzymatic auto-debrider without harming healthy tissue.
Odor Eliminator
Odor is GONE in less than 12-24 hours!
Patented formula contains a proprietary blend of vitamins and minerals providing energy and nutrients directly to the regenerating cells.
Local inflammation and edema reducer – due to pressure gradient that pulls fluid out of swollen tissue.
Rapidly forms a capillary network to increase blood flow aiding the natural healing process.
DermaWound® – Simple and Easy to Use:

Step 1
Apply DermaWound® (Original or Venous Stasis) to The Wound.
DermaWound® is a powerful auto-debrider and allows wounds to heal with minimal scarring, virtually eliminating the need for costly and painful surgical debridement and skin grafts, even in cases with large areas of tissue damage.

Step 2
Cover With Appropriate Dressings. Change 1 – 2 x day.
If once a day is all you can manage, that will suffice and you will still have better results than if you use any other wound care product. Simply follow our time tested Algorithm, do not be creative, and you will obtain the results you desire.

Step 3
Feel The Relief and Watch Your Wounds Start to Heal!
DermaWound’s® triple patented formula combines the proven healing power of natural poly-saccharides, anti-infectives and a proprietary mineral and vitamin blend to provide a proven and effective wound care treatment.
DermaWound® was clinically tested and approved for use by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 after the Haitian Earthquake. DermaWound® was FDA Registered in 2014 (Original Formula NDC# 57554-110-06 and Venous Stasis Formula NDC#57554-120-06). DermaWound® has been FDA Clinically and Allergy Tested and is manufactured in a FDA Registered and Inspected “Green” facility – using 100% Solar Power. It is eco-friendly and biodegradable.
Made in The U.S.A.

What do our customers say?
Dermawound® is a life and limb saving product line developed by Dr. David Dixon, MD. Dr. Dixon is regularly called upon by our civilian, public safety and military planners to consult on the most severe and difficult chronic and acute wounds faced today. This U.S. and Internationally patented product has been designed to help heal wounds that otherwise cannot be healed - and will do it in a comparatively short period of time when compared to the competition.
More than 150,000+ clients have solved their wound problems using our products over the last 24+ years. How can YOU harness the power of DermaWound®? Find the indication which describes your wound, pick the product (Original or Venous Stasis Formula), and feel the relief - often within 30 minutes after the first application. We know how painful, frustrating and expensive it can be to have wounds that just won't heal and how hard it can be to deal with them. You are most likely disappointed with your current therapy which is very expensive, and seems to take forever to see any obvious results. However, when you use a proven product like DermaWound® with more than 24+ years of success, you should feel comforted in knowing you made the right choice. 75% of our clients chronic non-healing wounds encountered will heal in less than 17 Days. Dr. Dixon received his Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) from the Medical College of Ohio and attended Internships at UCLA and USC. He has been an independent researcher and innovator since 1994 and launched in 2001. Over the past 24 years Dr. Dixon has conducted many ground breaking research investigations utilizing Stem Cells, which have led to the development of cutting-edge wound care products and devices utilizing novel methods of tissue application and regeneration techniques. DermaWound® brand products completely eliminate the need for infection spreading, costly, time consuming and very painful standard wound care therapies; especially in cases with extensive areas of tissue damage and necrosis. Even if you are wealthy and do have the “best insurance and doctors in the world” – it is certainly no guarantee your care will be as effective, painless or efficient as ours. How do we know? Because NO other product, device or person on the planet can or will make this guaranteed claim except us: "See, Smell and Feel Major Results After The 1st Dressing Change or Your Money Back!" CHALLENGE: Take a baseline photo. Apply DermaWound® to the affected area. After the targeted area (wound, ulcer, incision, ostomy, etc.) is gently rinsed and patted dry approximately 10-12 hours after the first dressing change, wait 5 minutes and take another photo (distance = 1-2 feet) comparing it to what it looked like prior to using DermaWound®. You will be amazed! Then simply continue treatment following the time-tested directions and you will get the outcome you desire. If you don’t think the area of concern looks significantly better, email us the before and after pictures and we will immediately issue you a full refund (-S&H) for the purchase price of one tube.24 Years
For over 24 years, DermaWound® has been helping patients around the world.
150,000+ Users
Over 150,000 users and counting, DermaWound® has a track record of success.
FDA Registered
FDA Registered and clinically allergy tested, DermaWound® has a track record of success.
We stand behind our products. For over 29 years our clients have used DermaWound® Brand Formulas to solve their critical wound care cases. We back up our claim 100% that DermaWound® is the best,
most efficient and fastest working wound care product in the world.
(Simply follow our time-tested instructions and algorithm; and please do not be creative.)


Spider Bites

Minor Cuts, Scrapes & Burns


Surgical Wounds

Chronic Wounds

Catheters & Ostomy Sites


Hospice Care

Wound Care Clinics

Nursing Homes



Locker Rooms

Kids & Parents


Diabetic Patients

Sporting Teams

Post Surgery Patients

Burn Patients